In those cases, once you have paid back the balance, you cannot continue drawing funds. A HELOC may work that way, once you enter the repayment period, after which you can no longer draw new funds. This provides access to unsecured funds that can be borrowed, repaid, and borrowed again. Opening a personal LOC usually Leer más…
Categoría: Bookkeeping
How do I account for a line of credit?
In those cases, once you have paid back the balance, you cannot continue drawing funds. A HELOC may work that way, once you enter the repayment period, after which you can no longer draw new funds. This provides access to unsecured funds that can be borrowed, repaid, and borrowed again. Opening a personal LOC usually Leer más…
10 Advice to Struggling Teams 10 3 Excessive Inventory
Customers aren’t the only ones who are disappointed and frustrated by stockouts. The retailer may also lose sales and revenue and risk damaging its brand if they miss opportunities to engage customers. A product that generates high demand also runs out of stock (stocks out). Customers are turning to competitors as a result of the Leer más…
Understanding Deferred Revenue vs Accrued Expense
Accrual accounting records revenues and expenses as they are incurred regardless of when cash is exchanged. If the revenue or expense is not incurred in the period when cash/payment is exchanged, it is booked as deferred revenue or deferred charges. The accrual method is required for businesses with average annual gross receipts for the 3 Leer más…
Full-Time Equivalents: What Are They?
However, it will be up to you to decide how many people you’ll want to employ to carry this out and what type of employment you will offer them. To calculate the number of hours your employee is expected to work based on their FTE, you’ll need to reverse the previously mentioned process of calculating Leer más…
EA vs CPA: Clarifying The Difference In Tax Roles
Furthermore, the questions in the REG CPA Exam section aren’t as in-depth as the tax questions in the EA exam. However, the CPA Exam questions are harder because it presents task-based simulations in addition to multiple-choice questions. The IRS grants EAs unlimited representation rights on a federal scale. Yet, the value they add to the Leer más…
Cash Basis vs Accrual Basis Accounting What’s the Difference?
If you prefer the deduction next year, wait to pay the expense until January. To illustrate how this affects taxes, let’s imagine that the transactions above took place between November and December of 2023. A taxpayer could opt for IFRS, IFRS for SMEs, or cash basis of accounting to determine its eligibility for Small Business Leer más…
Completed Contract Method Advantages and Disadvantages
When using the PCCM method of accounting, 30% of the contract is under the elected exempt method of accounting (possibly the completed contract method), and 70% is on the POC method of accounting. This provides an opportunity for an additional deferral when compared to the normal POC method of accounting. Some examples of residential contracts Leer más…
21 Best Bookkeeping Services in Chicago, IL
The team recommends and performs any necessary clean-up and develops process improvements. These improvements may include new online services for bill payments and reporting tools. Once everything is in order, System Six provides an estimate for ongoing weekly bookkeeping and identifies client responsibilities. FinancePal’s online payroll services are flexible for businesses of all sizes Leer más…